As seems to be the nature of things in video game releases, the summer time is almost always the slowest time of year. It’s been this way since the days of the Super Nintendo system (and the corresponding system from Sega, the Genesis). The trend looks to continue this year with the Nintendo Wii. So …
6 Tips for Finding a Nintendo Wii in Stock
The Nintendo Wii made its debut seven months ago. Despite that, the game console is still hard to find and most people will see that Wii availability is really scarce. Because of this, you will need a bit of work and luck in finding and buying your own Nintendo Wii.The Wii is the fifth home …
Forza Motorsport 2
For today’s release of Forza Motorsport 2 we’re bringing you two reviews. “Why two reviews?” you logically ask. Well, because the original was that rarest of rare beasts: a driving simulator that appealed to the everyman, appealing to driving game fans regardless of whether they preferred arcade racers like Burnout, Riiiiidge Racer and Need For …
Lindsay Lohan Flash Headlines
Lindsay Lohan is by far one of the most interesting and entertaining female celebrities in Hollywood. She just might be one of the craziest as well! No other female celebrity makes as many news headlines, good or bad, as Lindsay Lohan. Well, except for one reality star and socialite who considers herself an actress, Paris …
HP opens college lab in China for media search
BEIJING–At Tsinghua University here, researchers have devised an application that allows security cameras to identify individuals. It’s currently used to expedite the border-crossing process between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Hewlett-Packard is now trying to bring the application to consumer PCs for searching video files. The Palo Alto, Calif.-based computing giant is opening a lab at …
The Intellectual Property Audit – Finding What You Have (Part IV of V)
Intellectual Property Audit Breakdown An intellectual property audit breaks down into nine areas that the intellectual property attorney should examine: patents, contracts with independent contractors, employment contracts, trademarks, licenses, trade secrets, copyrights including organization handbooks, training, and inventions. Each area has its own requirements that must be monitored through an audit.The attorney should first notify …
Ethanol, Fertilizer & Higher Natural Gas Prices
What does growing corn and other crops have anything to do with natural gas? It takes about 33,000 cubic feet of natural gas to produce one ton of nitrogen fertilizer. About 96 percent of the corn planted in the United States depends on fertilizers, such as Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3), 28pct-Liquid Nitrogen, Urea and Ammonium Sulfate. …
History of Native American Turquoise Jewelry in The USA
The Beautiful blue and green hues of turquoise have long been prized by the Native American peoples of the southwestern part of the USA. Entire cultures were built on mining turquoise and crafting sacred and special items from the attractive stone in areas which are now part of both New Mexico and Nevada. American Indian …
Business Fashion Makeover – Better Design for Better Business
Ask a fashion creator what design is and the likely answer involves fabric and flow. A gardener may define design in terms of plant material and placement. Ask business owners and business executives to define design and the answers may stagger the mind. In other words, business design to one executive may be very different …
Three “Secrets” to a Successful Networking Event
Are you one of the millions of small business owners and professionals who have attended networking events held by the chamber of commerce or a business organization and found the experience to be far less than what you had hoped?Attending networking events has proven to be frustrating and ultimately a waste of time for many …