A piano cover is a necessity for any person that loves their piano. It is needed as an extra layer of protection in the home. A lot of pianos are not protected from elements. An unprotected piano will easily look worn quicker than a piano that is properly protected by a piano cover. A piano …
Consider Trials Joy? You’re Kidding, Right?
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)Joy in trials? James was kidding, right? He certainly wasn’t talking about the trials …
The Best Cover Letter Samples
Cover letter templates have been used by people who are seeking employment for many years. They are a great tool for putting together a professional looking, proper cover letter so that one can have the best possible shot at getting the job they are applying for. Having a professional cover letter can result in landing …
Art Paintings From Your Photo
The market for Chinese contemporary art has developed at a feverish pace, becoming the single fastest-growing segment of the international art market. Since 2004, prices for works by Chinese contemporary artists have increased by 2,000 percent or more, with paintings that once sold for under $50,000 now bringing sums above $1 million. Nowhere has this …
Street Fighters of Bengal and the Vietnam Experience
The unyielding campaigners against land acquisition say that opposing land acquisition is not necessarily an anti industry mind-set. See how our leader Mamata Banerjee always pronounces that she wants to see the cheery face of both the industrialists and farmers. Is it not possible to industrialize without acquiring farmland? Theoretically even the most intangible ideas …
Flawless Start for World’s Mightiest Particle Collider
Particle physicists were jubilant after the long-awaited startup of a mega-machine designed to expose secrets of the cosmos passed its first tests with flying colours. Cheers, applause and the pop of a champagne cork — rather than the cataclysmic suck of a black hole, which doomsayers had feared — marked the breakthrough at the European …
Tattoo Cover Up Advice
Tattoo is a permanent mark on the body for life. However, it can be removed by laser and often it can be changed or covered, but not always!Tattoo can be covered if it is old and faded. Fresh tattoo ink is too strong to be covered with colours, so the best option is black. If …
The Cover Art Re-Emerges in Two Ways
Browsing the Internet yesterday I found an interesting article in Wired titled; “Designers Work to Rescue a Dying Art Form – the Album Cover.” It was written back in February last year so it’s a little bit dated. However, that doesn’t make it less interesting.The author examines how labels are working to re-create the feeling …
Surviving Mental Illness – A Personal Account
This will probably be the most serious, personal, and emotionally charged article I will ever write. I am not doing this out of self-pity or for any other selfish reasons. It is something that I feel I need to share, and my greatest hope is that someone out there will take something useful from these …
Monsters, Ghosts and Gods: Why We Believe

Monsters are everywhere these days, and belief in them is as strong as ever. What’s harder to believe is why so many people buy into hazy evidence, shady schemes and downright false reports that perpetuate myths that often have just one ultimate truth: They put money in the pockets of their purveyors. The bottom line, …