Illustration by Dao Quoc Huy by Vu Hoang LamAt the Prosek bus stop, Hung often met a blonde girl in her late teens whose hair was usually adorned with a red silk ribbon. Every time, spotting the sparkling little flame of her blonde hair from afar, his heart beat wildly. His face then turned hot and his feet seemed to move more quickly. Her clothes were fairly simple: a blouse with a wide neck, a white swan floating on the ripples which were cleverly embroidered on the left breast and an unfashionable skirt. Whenever he saw her, a vaguely affectionate feeling surged up in his heart. “Is she a student from a poor family?” he asked himself.However, his question had so far remained unanswered for he had no opportunity to make her acquaintance. Whenever he reached the roofed bus stop early and stood inside, she came later and stood outside, reading a book attentively. On the contrary, whenever she came to the place early and saw him coming from afar, she stood up and went out immediately. A few minutes later, when the bus arrived, she got on first and moved towards the back while he just sat down in…