Problem skin isn’t just a worry for teenagers — spots affect half of over-25s, many of whom get their first outbreak in their 40s. Women are affected twice as much as men, because of hormonal fluctuations. ‘Changes in hormones around the menopause can trigger acne, and stopping the contraceptive pill after many years to start a family can also trigger a flare-up of spots,’ says Dr Justine Hextall, a consultant dermatologist from the Tarrant Street Clinic in Arundel, West Sussex. Spots occur when the skin’s oil glands, which sit around each hair follicle, become overactive, producing excess oil that blocks the follicle, or pore. A bacterium known as C. acnes, which normally lives harmlessly on the skin’s surface, can then enter and cause inflammation, which results in a spot. CAROLINE JONES asked Dr Hextall to assess a selection of products for spots, which we then rated. Spots occur when the skin’s oil glands, which sit around each hair follicle, become overactive, producing excess oil that blocks the follicle, or pore [File photo] Acnecide 5% w/w gel 30g, £10.49, Claim: This 5 per cent strength benzoyl peroxide gel promises to effectively treat your spots by killing the bacteria that cause…