The adventures of Maxwell, and his notepad on which anything written comes to life, have proven quite the lucrative run of games for 5th Cell. This latest version – out on Steam now for a sizeable £27 – comes with a massive DC tie-in, pitting the kid hero alongside the biggest (and smallest) names in the comic universe. How does the format hold up in such a strange place? Here’s wot I think:Scribblenauts has always been an incredible concept in search of a game that can usefully contain it. The very first release, on DS, missed that mark entirely, but ever since developers 5th Cell have been better applying the sheer magic of a game in which you can create anything. Unmasked marks the first attempt to take this beyond a series of loosely themed puzzles, into a properly narrative game.Kind of. This is most similar to last year’s Scribblenauts Unlimited, but with some attempts to work in consequential stories featuring familiar DC heroes and Max’s nemesis, Doppelganger. That pesky clone is teaming up with famous DC baddies, attempting to steal Starites for nefarious purposes. So Max and his sister Lily must fight crime, rescue the in danger, and help…