An anonymously run Telegram account has indicated that it wants to sell a tranche of emails relating to Russia’s 2018 World Cup bid, after reports that Russian officials compiled a dossier on how to bribe Fifa executive council members. The existence of the emails was first reported by the investigative website the Insider. According the Insider, an aide to the former footballer Franz Beckenbauer promised to deliver his vote in exchange for “generous compensation for his consulting services”, later specified as at least €3m. The emails purportedly come from the account of Sergei Kapkov, a Russian politician and former head of the country’s national football academy, and are in the possession of an anonymously run Telegram channel called BlackMirror. According to the reports, the dossier said a Cypriot Fifa executive’s vote could be bought for €1.5m, and that the former Fifa vice-president Jack Warner would vote for “whoever offers him the most”. Warner has been banned for life by Fifa’s ethics committee, and Sepp Blatter and the former France captain Michel Platini, who are both profiled in the dossier, each received an eight-year ban from football in 2011. In an email exchange, BlackMirror told the Guardian that it released the…