Spoiler alert: the ending of Game of Thrones is terrible. It will ruin the whole series for you. It will prompt you to wonder whether all the time you spent in Westeros – justifying your interest in dragons and incest and naked people muttering in corridors and fighting in the dark – was worth it. True, it’s not going to be as bad as Lost, where loyal viewers – -reader, I was that twit – were left with a crumpled tissue of implaus-ible mumbo-jumbo: not just flashbacks and flash-forwards but zipwires into an adjacent reality, the sideways timeline, where characters could be together after death but only if they accepted what they had done, and even then there was some cobblers about supernatural lights and electromagnetism and… A confession. I can no longer remember the ending of Lost. It is suppressed, because after 121 hours of emotional and intellectual engagement, purgatory and angry smoke, the only thing the ending proved was that the writers were driving blind and had no idea where they were going. In the end, the ending didn’t matter, except to undermine everything that went before. Spoiler alert two. Game of Thrones won’t be like that. After eight seasons, the…