Outside Shot at 60F This Weekend Considering the sun is as high inbthe sky today as it was on September 23, web shouldn’t be shocked that thermometers will make a pass at 60F next weekend. 50s are pretty much a slam dunk. The only think that might prevent us from warming up is snow melt-induced fog and stratus, which would keep us 10-15F cooler. My euphoria over April warmth is tempered by the headlines out of Nebraska and Iowa, where flooding has been historic in many areas. A preview of what’s to come in Minnesota? River models only go out 7-10 days. All the flooding risk factors are in place; the question is whether impending warmth will be accompanied by heavy rain, accelerating snow Mercifully, this week appears dry, and next week’s storm pinwheels just south of Minnesota. Many of us will be holding our breath for the next 4-5 weeks as The Big Melt accelerates. 384-Hour Rainfall Guestimate. Don’t bet the farm based on a 16-day outlook, but I’m trying to get a sense of longer-term trends with rainfall. NOAA’s GFS model keeps heaviest rains south of Minnesota, with some 2-3″+ amounts for parts of Colorado, Iowa and northern…