PlayStation 5 aka PS5 is expected to release sometime in 2020 and will have amazing new features and specs. One of the features it will bring us is something called PS Plus Premium. According to an anonymous EU based game developer who is working on a PS5 launch title, PS5 PS Plus Premium will offer players guaranteed video game betas and alpha access as well as the ability to create private servers. Apart from these two features, the developer didn’t mention anything else. However, he did confirm that PS Plus Premium will run parallel with the base PS Plus. Sony isn’t attending E3 2019 so we expect PS Plus Premium details during a State of Play stream or at PlayStation Experience 2019. Meanwhile, the reveal of PlayStation 5 will be in Q2, 2019 claims the developer. The PS5 reveal will be minor, probably a tease, he says. PlayStation 5 release date is set in March or November 2020. If the leaked information holds merit, Sony is likely to test PlayStation Plus Premium before the release of PlayStation 5 (PS5). PlayStation 5 Specs CPU 7nm Ryzen 8 core 16 threads GPU 7nm Navi architecture around 14TF 24GB Gddr6 + 4gb ddr4 for OS 2tb HDD 8k upscaling The specs for PlayStation 5 will allow it to up-scale resolution to 8K. The console will be able to push 4K native resolution in most video games released for it, especially, in the launch line up. The developer also discussed PS5’s retail price which… [Read full story]