Part of Chapter 11/Part Three(If the reader is somewhat confused where we are at in the story, don’t be, let me explain, and get you out of the trip. We are at the beginning of the story, remember, when Shannon and Poggi were looking inside the window of the foundry. With all the busy people running to and fro; and now, being at this juncture, we see Maribel is unsure of her womanhood to keep her husband happy; she’s a little fearful she might lose the old goat to Annabelle, and Shannon is on guard as to protect Rata, incase Annabelle tries to kidnap him, or her. To be frank, if not down right honest, I’m not sure how she can really keep him, she is like his shadow, and most folks don’t like looking at their shadows, but we shall see, as they say: reader beware. On the other hand, we want the reader to like Poggi, and Shannon, that is why they made up, and we do not want to have women hating Shannon because he is paying a little more interest into the life of a young Annabelle, and so forth and so on. So we will…