Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Las Cruces Sun-News top photos of 2018 Fullscreen Posted! A link has been posted to your Facebook feed. Buy Photo The Super Blood Moon over the Farm and Ranch Museum. Wednesday January 31, 2018. The Blood Moon is created by a total eclipse of the lunar surface. Josh Bachman/Sun-News Buy Photo Fullscreen Buy Photo Sister Marie-Paule Willem, in the sanctuary of San Jose de Picacho Catholic Church, on Nov. 20, 2018. Willem was honored with the 2018-2019 Lumen Christi Award, a prestigious award within the Catholic Church. She leads the San Jose de Picacho Catholic Church and was instrumental in reviving not only the church building but the congregation. Josh Bachman/Sun-News Buy Photo Fullscreen Buy Photo Farmworkers fill buckets with red chile in a field off of Doña Ana Road on Monday, Nov. 12, 2018. Harsh, cold weather was expected to prevent harvesting in the same field on Tuesday. Josh Bachman/Sun-News Buy Photo Fullscreen Buy Photo Students from Holy Cross Catholic School scatter flower petals into an irrigation canal at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum on Tuesday May 15, 2018, during the final moments of the annual Blessing of the Fields. The celebration…