Actor Munmun Dutta, better known as Babita of comedy show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, shared a series of tweets on the behaviour of the contestants in the Bigg Boss house. The actor has spoken about several Bigg Boss contestants while taking sides with her fraternity members and bashing the members of the happy club. Giving her views on the latest Weekend Ka Vaar episode and praising Salman Khan, she tweeted, “Satisfying to see Salman showing true faces of everyone on #WeekendKaVaar except Rohit got spared with very little . Looks like all the overconfident ones have calmed down a bit. Good to see Somi being finally called out for poking her nose in everyone’s matter (sic).” Also satisfying to see Salman showing true faces of everyone on #WeekendKaVaar except Rohit got spared with very little . Looks like all the overconfident ones have calmed down a bit. Good to see Somi being finally called out for poking her nose in everyone’s matter. #BB12— Munmun Dutta (@moonstar4u) November 26, 2018While she said that Dipika is playing with class and elegance, she praised Jasleen and said “keep it up.” I wish i could say this to #Dipika directly, but…