Earlier this year, a handful of congressmen formally nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. “Although North Korea has evaded demands from the international community to cease its aggression for decades, President Trump’s peace through strength policies are working and bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula,” the letter concluded, anticipating the president’s June summit with Kim Jong-un. But the Nobel committee was unmoved by Trump glad-handing a murderous dictator, and ultimately awarded the prize to Nadia Murad, an activist for those who survived sexual abuse at the hands of ISIS, and Denis Mukwege, a gynecological surgeon from the Congo. Trump has complained as recently as late October that he likely will never win the Nobel Peace Prize. “They probably never will give it to me, even with what I’m doing in Korea and Idlib province and all of these places,” the president said while gesturing wildly during a speech given to the Future Farmers of America. “They probably will never give it to me. You know why? Because they don’t want to!” The real reason Trump will never get the Nobel Peace Prize is that he isn’t actually doing anything in North Korea. His meeting with Kim this past summer was…