Name: Karen EdsallAge: 51Occupation: Special Education AssistantHometown: Virginia Beach, VirginiaStart Weight: 270 poundsEnd Weight: 170 poundsTime Running: 3 yearsIn 2014, the school district that I work for decided that for our health insurance, everyone was required to get a physical. So I had my blood pressure taken. The nurse had to search around for a cup that was large enough to fit my arm. Advertisement – Continue Reading Below After my weight was taken, I really didn’t think much about the 270 pounds that was on the scale. Then I had to sit down with a health coach, and they showed me that on the BMI chart, for my 5’4” frame, I was obese. I hadn’t seen myself as fat. But watching a pro football game, I thought, “Those guys are big.” Then their stats came on the screen. Some weighed less then me. That’s when I realized I needed a change.When I heard that word “obese” I thought, “I don’t want to be fat.” I want to be sexy for my husband and in shape for my children. My weight loss journey began at home. It was just changing what I ate and when I ate. My diet was…