Man has learned and is able to control may of nature’s forces, but so long as he is unable to control the forces within himself, there can be no question of real civilization. Human culture has not carried things beyond putting a finer polish on its animal impulses i.e. physically reacting to external stimuli, without emotional bonding and intellectual analysis. The human race may have become more developed materially and technically, but it is not happier. The great mechanical and urban advancement is being achieved to the detriment of the integrity and character of the human being, which values are the barometer of its development level in the real sense.Taylor Caldwell wrote-“Man is never victorious, never defeated,The looters yield their loot to the cheated,Honesty and folly can never be parted,The waters return to the hills from where they started.”That is the ultimate Truth, Research may ultimately find that person involved in extramarital affairs get paralytic strokes, as nature reacts violently when disharmony is intentionally/deliberately created for every action has an equal and opposite reaction and whether one likes it or not, all karmas-physical, emotional and intellectual bear their fruits. There is always an ultimate justice. Man is the first product…