You might not be shocked that this week began with big news about a coordinated misinformation campaign on Facebook. But in a twist on the usual narrative, Facebook welcomed the media reports, calling a press conference to reveal that it had removed 35 fake accounts. The rare proactive step was a clear attempt to show the media and Congress that Facebook is tackling misinformation head in the runup to the midterm elections. Fake Facebook accounts weren’t the only thing taken down from the internet this week. After a federal judge granted an injunction against Defense Distributed’s DIY 3-D printed gun blueprints on Tuesday, founder Cody Wilson complied with the court order and removed them several hours later. The removal was the culmination of weeks of outcry against the blueprints after Wilson had initially reached a settlement in a five-year legal battle to put them online. Elsewhere, Reddit got hacked thanks to an insecure two-factor-authentication setup. (Reminder: SMS two-factor is a bad idea!. We learned about the inner working of the hacking group Fin7, who may have stolen a whopping billion dollars from companies all over the world. The Democratic National Committee is holding a hacking contest for kids aged 8-12…