An important concern in the lives of daily internet users is how to monitor data usage in Windows 10, Android, or any other operating system they use. Even though some of us might have an abundance of internet connectivity, keeping an eye on the data usage is essential. In many parts of the world, data is still a costly commodity. For people who are restricted by a bandwidth cap, checking their internet usage is a job they should often do. But it’s also required for the ones who have an unlimited internet connection. That’s because unknown bandwidth consumption could be a hint of some bug or malware living on the system. These are the things that shouldn’t go unnoticed.This post tries to answer some of the queries about data usage in Windows 10. How do I check my data usage in Windows 10? If questions like this often strike your mind, turn on your Windows 10 PC and go to the Settings app > Network and Internet, and there you’ll find an entire page dedicated to monitoring internet usage on your device. Windows 10 data usage page shows a brief overview of how much data you’ve used on WiFi and…