Apple said Wednesday that it’s closing a security loophole that many law enforcement agencies use to break into phones and other devices. The company plans to upgrade its products’ security with a software update that disables the device’s charging and data port one hour after it’s locked. While phones can still charge in that window, a phone’s owner must log in with their password, fingerprint or a face scan to transfer data. Law enforcement had previously been able to break into and obtain data from phones by connecting them to devices running special software, bypassing the phone’s security features. After an hour, law enforcement won’t be able to use such devices. Apple said its changes were made with criminals in mind who can exploit the same vulnerabilities as law enforcement to break into stolen phones. “We have the greatest respect for law enforcement, and we don’t design our security improvements to frustrate their efforts to do their jobs,” an Apple spokesperson said over email. The company stressed that it made the changes with its consumers in mind first. The new changes could stoke another round of debate between Apple and law enforcement. The two have battled over Apple’s encryption on its devices,…