6 minutes ago Bethesda’s big Fallout tease came to a close yesterday with the reveal of a new game. While details are still scarce, a new trailer has at least confirmed that it will be called Fallout 76. The above trailer comes directly from Bethesda and was used earlier this week to cap off a daylong tease that proved to be some extremely successful viral marketing. It all started in the early morning when the developer/publisher posted a gif to its Twitter feed boasting the “Please stand by” image traditionally associated with the Fallout series. Shortly after, a livestream went live on Bethesda’s Twitch channel boasting a monitor with that same image, as well as a Fallout Vault Boy figurine. Some other random stuff happened here and there throughout the hours-long stream but, for the most part, the biggest attraction was hundreds of thousands of people flooding the comments with speculation and banter. When the whole thing came to a close, it was with the reveal of the above trailer announcing Fallout 76. As has become common practice in Fallout trailers, the video begins with a radio suddenly sparking to life and playing a tune. This time around, it was…