A RENOWNED Apple tipster has revealed a bunch of potential features for the Apple Watch 4, the next-gen version of the popular smartwatch. The upcoming wearable is likely to boast a new look, but Apple is keeping mum about it. So let’s consult top analyst Ming Chu Kuo, who dropped a new report detailing some of the watch’s specs amid the noise of the Apple event on Tuesday. He also revealed an all-important potential release date. Apple Watch Series 4 release date – when can you buy it? Kuo says Apple will release its next smartwatch in the third quarter of this year. That means it will arrive between July and September. And judging by prior launches, we’re inclined to bank on it being shipped at the end of that time-frame. The Apple Watch Series 3 landed at the company’s September event alongside the iPhone 8 and iPhone X. So you can expect the same this time round too. Kuo’s as reliable as they come for Apple rumours – this is the bloke that said a cheaper iPad would be revealed at Apple’s recent education event. And sure enough that’s exactly what happened. Apple Watch Series 4 news and rumours…