While fans bicker about the teaser trailer that dropped for the Venom movie this week, the looming question about Carnage may have been answered. According to a new report from The Hashtag Show earlier today, the supervillain will not be part of the main story. In fact, the character (Cletus Kasady) will only make an appearance near the end of the movie and even that may possibly take place in a post-credits sequence. Brock will end up in San Quentin State Prison, where he will be introduced to Kasady by Dr. Ashley Kafka. The word through the grapevine is that a piece of the alien Symbiote will break away from Brock and scamper towards Kasady just before the screen goes black. The scene will essentially tease the transformation of Kasady into Carnage and set up the character as a major antagonist in the probable sequel to the Venom movie. There is further speculation that Woody Harrelson (Now You See Me) will be the actor to play Carnage. He was cast in the movie as a “henchman” but has yet to appear in either any set photos during production or the recent teaser trailer. Hence, he seems to be the likely candidate to portray Kasady. The Venom movie has been directed by Ruben Fleischer and primarily draws inspiration from two source materials: Lethal Protector (1993) and Planet of the Symbiotes (1995). The character was initially introduced as a supervillain before walking the path of an anti-hero in recent times. The premiere… [Read full story]