AN ARTIST who grew-up in the Keighley area is seeing her work featured in a big screen exhibition. Jess Kidd is among six artists who are part of the latest Not Just Hockney presentation at City Park in Bradford. Animals, wildlife and nature is the theme of the display, which will run for two months. The initiative is designed to promote the work of local artists to a wider audience. Exhibiting alongside Jess are Janet Allsebrook, Andrew Brook, Justin Leeming, Denise Mitchell and Mike Smith. The man behind the project is arts enthusiast Colin Neville, who also runs a Not Just Hockney website. He said: “The theme of animals, wildlife and nature connects with the coming spring, and the artists featured on the big screen over the next two months present a range of approaches to this popular art subject. “All their images will look marvellous on the big screen. It’s great that we have this resource right in the centre of the city to showcase artists’ work. “What I particularly admire about these featured artists is how their interest in nature and animals has been a driving force for their creativity and personal development. “Jess writes on her website…