The world’s biggest whirlwind of tech, startups, and wild fever dreams is finally over, at least for this year. But before we close the book on CES 2018, we wanted to call attention to some of the coolest, most exciting things we saw at the show. That’s because even in a down year that saw less new laptops, and the hottest tech trend (for the second year in a row) was companies trying to shove Alexa or Google Assistant into every single device, there’s still a lot to look forward to over the next 12 months. Sennheiser’s 3D Sound Bar Advertisement Long known for its excellent headphones, Sennheiser’s still unnamed sound bar is the company’s first foray into home audio. It packs everything you need to get an immersive spatial audio experience into a single 4.5-foot long box, while still sounding as good as more complicated 9-speaker setups. While we’re still a bit skeptical, as this unit is an early prototype, hearing was definitely believing, and if the final model sounds as good as what we experienced at CES, we’re all in for a treat. Peloton Treadmill It might sound a little basic, but Peloton’s $4,000 treadmill was actually one…