Home / News / Local / Dundee by Leeza Clark January 8 2018, 12.01am FacebookTwitterWhatsAppLinkedInEmail Sign up to our Daily newsletter Want to read more?Subscribe today from £1 a week Significant issues with Scotland’s City Region Deals must be addressed, according to a Holyrood report. There was some “scepticism about what is being promised” particularly when it came to jobs, according to the local government and communities committee’s Deal or No Deal investigation. While MSPs said there was “much to welcome”, there were issues which had to be tackled “as a matter of urgency”. Of concern was the “confused and cluttered” priorities of the UK and Scottish Governments and local authorities which run the risk of cutting the impact of what could be achieved. There are also fears that more rural and remote areas and towns not covered by Deals could miss out. The report called for engagement with local communities and businesses in a meaningful way, rather than telling them after decisions had been made. Committee convener Bob Doris said while a £3.3 billion investment to create new jobs and build thriving areas around cities, some of which are in the most impoverished and deprived areas of Scotland, was…