This is the story of Magicgate. Yes, another scandal, but one that for a change doesn’t involve any actual rape or sexual harassment… only game players who like pretending to be witches and wizards. Like Gamergate, it concerns ordinary people who just want to be left alone to enjoy their hobby. Ranged against these ingenus is an orcish horde of bullying, preening, self-righteous Social Justice Warriors who believe that everything — even an innocent collectible card game like Magic: The Gathering — should be played and policed according to their viciously intolerant politically correct rulebook. Even if, like me, you’re not among the 20 million people who play Magic: The Gathering , what I hope you’ll appreciate is that this is a story that should concern us all. By the end, I hope, you’ll feel as angered as I am by this ugly, scary power grab by the regressive left. And I hope you’ll want to join me in making your voice heard by hitting the people responsible where it hurts most: in their bank balance. That means the companies which own and profit by Magic: the Gathering . That means you , Hasbro toys. And you , Wizards of the Coast. I want you to realize…