Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are launching next week on Nintendo 3DS, but data miners already have their hands on it. According to findings posted on Reddit and Twitter, data miners found the names of the Ultra Beasts already announced by Nintendo earlier this fall.Ultra Beasts, which are not counted as Pokemon can be found and caught in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. UB Adhesive, UB Assembly, and UB Burst now have names: UB Adhesive’s in-game name is Poipole, the cute purple Ultra Beast we saw last month in a Pokemon Company announcement, UB Assembly is Stakataka and UB Burst is Blacephalon.Poipole will later evolve to Naganadel via level up with Dragon Pulse, changing from pure Poison to Poison/Dragon. As the leak suggests Poipole will be a fast special attacker.Another cool find was a Pokemon that was never seen before, named Zeraora. This mythical addition to the Pokemon series is pure electric, speedy, and offensive, according to the data miners and is rumored to be the next Mystery Gift exclusive Pokemon for next year.Data mining also showed a new transformation for Necrozma, the famous legendary Pokemon found in both games, named Ultra Necrozma. according to the leak, this form is stated to be…