Contents1 How to blend together nuclear technology and a life condition alike third world countries1.1 An “elite” Technological Innovation1.2 Kwangmyong: the North Korean “Internet” 1.2.1 A split access1.2.2 Internet connectivity1.2.3 Significant public Websites1.2.4 Independent websites1.3 Mobile1.3.1 The Ryugyong Hotel1.3.2 Orascom loses control of Koryolink1.3.3 A closed network: you don’t get in, you cannot get out1.4 Consumer electronics1.4.1 Ullim, the locked tablet1.4.2 Personal Computers, Regime Operating Systems, and digital TV1.5 Cybersecurity and Drones1.5.1 The Sony Hack: North Korean responsibilities?1.5.2 A school for cyberwarriors1.5.3 The drone war: preparations1.6 Conclusions1.7 Notes:1.8 Links1.8.1 Interesting documents1.8.2 Technology1.8.3 Cybersecurity1.9 Share this:1.10 Like this: How to blend together nuclear technology and a life condition alike third world countries North Korea: the most exclusive country in the world. Recently at the heart of an unprecedented nuclear escalation with the United States, separated from South Korea since 1948, and backed by China since the end of the civil war, it is now surrounded by an iron curtain even taller than the Soviet Union. The majority of the country is in a state of heavy backwardness, and the population that had, in the 1990s, suffered one of the most terrible famine crises ever. And now, according to Telegraph, North Korean citizens are told to prepare for a new…