Today, we’re talking about napkins, doctors, baseball, stadium food storage methods, and more. Your letters: Jeremy: What is the best minimum wage job? My first job was a movie theater usher, and reading others’ experiences makes me think that might be the jackpot of minimum wage jobs. People kind of give me respect because I was the barrier of entry to their movie, I was never talked down to once the whole summer, and I got to see movies for free. Boring as fuck but better than retail or food service right? Advertisement My first minimum-wage job was answering the phones and washing the dishes at Little Caesars. So yes, despite all the free pizza I could eat at the end of my shift (FUN FACT: the pan pizza dough at Little Caesars was soaked in a tray of grease overnight), your theater job beat mine, especially if you got to see all the new movies whenever the reels came in. One dude I know worked the projector at a theater and got to go to employee screenings for every new movie. In my mind, he was just under Robert Evans in the movie studio hierarchy. But neither of those…