The “Fortnite” black hole that took the game down worldwide has reopened, throwing millions of players back into the game with a new island to explore (with some familiar areas) and several new ways to level up. Players were greeted with a new trailer teasing all the new features, including swimming, fishing, motorboats and several new ways to level up. As soon as the trailer finishes, the player leaps out of the black hole, assuming the role of Jonesy, one of the default characters who’s become the audience surrogate for the nonsense that happens in the “Fortnite” universe. And suddenly the player is back into his first solo battle royale game. Your reporter placed 34th in the first match. All the default skins now sport a new look with a green jacket. Players seem to trickle back into the game. Your reporter’s first Team Rumble match, for example, only had six total players dropping into the island. By the way, the entire map is grayed out and new alliterative locations like Slurp Swamps are left for you to discover. But if you want to plan out where you want to drop with your squad, here’s the new map. One of…