Every year, Black Friday promises major deals on TVs, phones, games and other hot holiday gifts. As always, it’s the day after Thanksgiving: Friday, Nov. 29 – followed three days later by Cyber Monday. But in recent years, “Black Friday sales” have become less about a single day — or weekend — and more about massive sales that seem to ebb and flow throughout the entire month of November.To that end, retailers will likely start (or at least announce) their sales much earlier than Black Friday proper. You can expect big discounts both online and in-store from the likes of Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon, Target, GameStop, Kohl’s, Sam’s Club and pretty much every other business that sells things. Yes, some old-school retailers still only offer the biggest discounts as in-store “doorbusters,” which means you’ll have to fight crowds to get them. But more and more deals have migrated to the online realm, so you can still get plenty of great discounts while you’re shopping from your phone in your pajamas. Yes, it’s very early to be thinking about all this, but there’s nothing wrong with a little advance planning. Here’s a quick overview of what to expect on (and how to plan for)…