With hundreds of great free-to-play games to choose from, from Fortnite: Battle Royale to League of Legends to Kingdom Rush, it’s possible to never spend a nickel in your efforts to thwart alien invasions, destroy evil orcs, and deliver a beating to unsuspecting opponents. “Free-to-play” no longer indicates a low level of quality, either, and we’ve played plenty of titles that give full-priced video games a run for their money. Here are some of the best free-to-play games available right now, broken down by genre, regardless of whether you’re a PC or console gamer. Action Warframe Combining the futuristic science-fiction aesthetic of games such as Mass Effect and Halo with slick, martial arts-inspired combat, Warframe is one of the most impressive action games available right now, and you can play it on both consoles and PC. It launched in 2013 and has only seen its player-base grow substantially over the last few years — more than 26 million people have played it so far — and though it’s free-to-play, Warframe still serves as an excellent example of the technical capabilities of both the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. It should be among the first games you try when you get your new console….