In March, FIFA President Gianni Infantino had announced that India would host the U-17 Women’s World Cup in 2020. “As of now we have visited and inspected five host cities that include Kolkata, Bhuvaneshwar, Ahmedabad, Goa and Navi Mumbai. These were the cities that we had inspected (however) there is a lot of interest from other cities as well,” tournament director Roma Khanna told reporters here. Khanna and Philip Zimmermann, who is the technical development services programme manager, visited a municipal school in Worli where a local football league was kicked off. According to Khanna, the tournament window for the global event would also be known within the coming months. “Last month we confirmed Bhubaneswar as one of the provincial venues for the World Cup. We have three more venues that we will be confirming in the coming months. In the next few months, the tournament window would also be known,” Khanna said. She said the Local Organising Committee of the event will give a provisional confirmation to the host city, which will be later ratified by FIFA. “We have not yet confirmed (the other cities yet). In case of Bhubaneswar, we have worked out on what was needed to…