Stuck trying to figure out what’s next? Just start moving. Jason Feifer Published 3:10 pm EDT, Thursday, April 11, 2019 Photo: Nigel Parry Photo: Nigel Parry Image 1 of / 1 Caption Close Image 1 of 1 Photo: Nigel Parry To Succeed, Just Follow This Six-Step Plan 1 / 1 Back to Gallery You are six steps away from your goal. So am I. So is everyone. And I mean it! Regardless of our circumstances, career paths, or past accomplishments, we are all six steps away. But here’s the kicker: We can never see more than one step ahead. This is a little mental trick I came up with recently as a way to help a friend of mine. He’s stuck in his career, working a job he hates but unsure of what to do next. “How do I know what direction to move in?” he asked me. Should it be music, which is his first love? Or tech, which he’s interested in? Or content production, which he’s developed a knack for? Related: The Best Way To Get What You Want? Focus On Your Customers’ Needs. He’s been asking me this for months. But because he can’t decide which step to take,…