The question now being hotly debated in Democratic circles is whether Uncle Joe Biden is too creepy — or, at minimum, too handsy — to run for president. What’s beyond debate is that this can’t be the way Biden had hoped to launch what would be his third run at the presidency, which may shut down before it can even begin. Biden obviously knew this issue would emerge. He has been extremely public about his handsiness, after all. He must not have known, though, that two women would come forward before he had even entered the race to accuse him of what is being called “inappropriate touching.” If it were only that. For years, it has just been Biden being Biden — a genuine family man who’s, uh, just a little tactile, as his defenders put it. But in the #MeToo era, Is that good enough? The touching, in one case, allegedly involves smelling the woman’s hair before kissing her head, and, in another, of uninvited nose rubbing. When the question is whether to believe the women — particularly given the chance for political mischief in a presidential race — it’s hard not to believe them. I mean, who would…