Britain’s House of Commons has voted to reject Theresa May’s so-called Withdrawal Agreement just hours before the nation was supposed to leave the European Union, with or without a deal — a deadline betrayed this week by Parliament after they voted to postpone Brexit months or even years into the future. Britain’s lawmakers have already voted against the settlement the Prime Minister agreed with the European Union twice, and the government was blocked from bringing it to Parliament again. Yet by splitting the deal into two pieces, the ‘Brexit in name only‘ apparently comes before Parliament again as a different vote in spirit only.Read the latest updates below — refresh your browser to see more UPDATE 1830 — Nigel speaks to the rally Nigel Farage has struck an optimistic note on this day of Brexit betrayal, telling the Parliament square rally: I can’t think of any time in history, where a greater betrayal of a democratic vote has ever happened in the Western world, and they can tonight over there content themselves because they think they’re winning. But that’s because they live in the Westminster bubble. We’re the real people of this country, and we know that the referendum was…