The newest game in the Resident Evil franchise is “Resident Evil 2,” a remake of the 1998 classic arriving on January 25th, 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. “Resident Evil 2” is a classic survival horror game; players work to escape the zombie-infested Raccoon City as Claire Redfield and rookie cop Leon Kennedy. Capcom has rebuilt the gameplay and visuals of “Resident Evil 2” from the ground up and fleshed out the game’s story with new cut scenes. Created with Capcom’s RE game engine, “Resident Evil 2” is one of the best-looking games ever made, despite its wide range of horrifying creatures and grotesque violence. While some changes have been made to refresh the game for 2019, all of the core elements that made “Resident Evil 2” an instant classic remain. “Resident Evil 2” is a classic, this can’t be overstated. The original “Resident Evil” established the formula for the survival horror genre, and in 1998 “Resident Evil 2” helped redefine the limits of 3D action games by doubling down on the action, exploration, and storytelling of the first game. Over the years, “Resident Evil” has changed to meet the demands of modern gamers. Slow-paced games focused on…