Actor Siddharth Gupta, producer Vikas Gupta’s brother, brought in his birthday with a party on Saturday. Actor Sushant Singh Rajput who shares the Pali Hill apartment with the birthday boy let his hair down after back-to-back shoots, even as Siddharth’s friends turned up for the party. Among them were Jackky Bhagnani, Ahaan Panday, Adah Sharma and director Ken Ghosh. Vikas’s friends from the TV world also joined in. Bollywood updates: Top news about celebrities, movies and controversies1277Kartik Aaryan’s favourite hairstylist!Kartik Aaryan had the most adorable wish for his mother on her birthday. Sharing a childhood picture of himself with his mother, Kartik wrote, “Happy Birthday to my Fav Hairstylist. Love you Mummy (sic)”. Earlier, Kartik had said that he is a mamma’s boy and will always be one. He had also said that he shared everthing his mother, even about his girlfriends!Kalki Koechlin flaunts her baby bumpKalki Koechlin, who is currently eight-months pregnant, shared an adorable picture on Instagram with boyfriend Guy Hershberg. She wrote, “He still let’s me sit on his lap (sic)”. Recently, Kalki had revealed that the whole pregnancy phase has been surreal for her. “This whole pregnancy for me has been so surreal but it has…