Bhubaneswar, Nov 27: Conveying a powerful message of “oneness of humanity” was the highlight of the glittering opening ceremony of the 2018 Men’s Hockey World Cup here as Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, Madhuri Dixit and music maestro AR Rahman mesmerised the audiences with enthralling performances, Tuesday (November 27). The World Cup was declared open by Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik during the ceremony, attended by all 16 captains. The ceremony showcased first-of-its-kind theatrical production – The Earth Song, which beautifully depicted the theme of the ceremony. Written and directed by Nupur Mahajan, it featured Madhuri as the central character, Mother Earth. The spectacular fusion dance performances were choreographed by Shiamak Davar. He was joined by 1100 artists who danced to the tunes created by Ranjit Barot. It was one the highlights of the evening which left the audience spellbound. Madhuri Dixit’s mesmerising dance performance The show opened by the earth cracking and Madhuri emerging as Mother Earth, addressing the world at large as her children. The bilingual script in English and Hindi with snatches of the Bhagavad Gita and philosophy of the Upanishads has been written by Nupur Mahajan. AR Rahman enthralls with ‘Jai Hind Jai India’ AR Rahman…