By Doug Smith Sports Reporter Sun., Nov. 25, 2018 This is certainly the longest mailbag we’ve had in recent memory, mostly because there was all kinds of questions and reaction to a Grey Cup item earlier in the week. So I’d suggest maybe reading this in shifts but being back for the 6 p.m. that leads into the of Le Couple Grey Cup. – Q: Hello Doug, I like the Grey Cup. Because it’s Canadian and usually a better game than that spectacle to the south in (now) early February. And for the past couple of years I can’t even think of that event without the visual of an aging Roger Daltry coming to mind. Article Continued Below Maybe the Boomer Generation will be the last one for whom the Grey Cup was An Event. And it was such an event, wasn’t it? Lots of us kids at the time went to more Grey Cup Parades than Santa Claus Parades. Driving downtown, finding a parking space. Scouting out the best viewing spot hours before it started, sitting on the curb on Yonge Street covered with blankets. We really looked forward to going. (A highlight was always the trip to Fran’s…