A hot potato: What does Fallout 76 have in common with Aliens: Colonial Marines, Mafia 3, and No Man’s Sky? It’s one of those high-profile games that’s been universally panned by critics. But, like NMS, could Bethesda’s title eventually receive enough patches and updates to make it worth playing? There was disappointment when it was revealed that the next entry in the Fallout series was going to have a multiplayer focus, rather than featuring a single-player campaign that the other games are known for. But as the likes of Fortnite, Overwatch, and PUBG remain so popular, perhaps Fallout 76 could emulate this success? No, it turns out. Far from it. There was some initial hype around Fallout 76, and the ‘West Virginia’ trailer helped heighten that excitement. But the warning signs were there when we saw a lukewarm response to the game’s beta. Yet even that wouldn’t have prepared Bethesda for what’s become their worst-reviewed game since Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow, which came out in 2006. Reviewers have complained about the lack of NPCs, the aging engine, the weak main plot, and an overall experience that can feel more like a monotonous chore than fun….