Best Deals of the Day The best deals from around the web, updated daily. A big protein sale, cut-resistant gloves, and an extremely upsetting cat candle lead off Friday’s best deals from around the web. Bookmark Kinja Deals and follow us on Twitter and Facebook, or sign up for our newsletter to never miss a deal. Best Tech Deals We’ve seen power cubes with more ports and outlets from other manufacturers, but Anker’s take on the category has a few nice touches. While it leaves one side of the cube empty, it does come with adhesive pads that let you mount it on a wall or underneath a desk. It normally sells for $26, but you can get it for just $21 today with promo code ANKERCUB. Anker makes sound bars now, which…yeah, that makes sense. The SoundCore Infini Mini is 21″ and puts out stereo sound. And naturally, it’ll also work as a gigantic Bluetooth speaker, when it isn’t pumping audio out of your TV. With no subwoofer built in, I probably wouldn’t use this for my main home theater. But it’s perfectly sized and priced for, say, a bedroom TV, or even a computer. Normally priced at $80,…