Though one of the world’s most recognizable gaming companies, Nintendo has never quite mastered online multiplayer. The company’s game consoles have been hampered by friend codes, confusing (or absent) voice chat systems and inconsistent performance for years. Still, fans often forgave the company. After all, unlike Microsoft and Sony’s services, it was free. It’s hard to argue with free. In about a week, things will change. Nintendo is launching the Nintendo Switch Online program, which places most of its online multiplayer into a paid membership program. What is it? Think of Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus, but for Nintendo: It’s the key to multiplayer gaming on the Nintendo Switch. If you want to play games like Splatoon 2 or Rocket League online, you’ll pay for the privilege. The service costs $3.99 for a month, $7.99 for three months or $19.99 if you pay for a full year in advance. It isn’t all about online multiplayer, though. The Nintendo Switch Online service also gives subscribers a library of classic games, support for cloud backup of game data, access to the Nintendo Switch smartphone app and exclusive offers available only to members. Let’s take a quick look at each of those benefits,…