SMARTWATCH fans rejoice – an Apple expert has revealed secret info about the Apple Watch 4. He reckons we’ll see a big bump to the smartwatch’s screen size when the hi-tech ticker debuts at its rumoured launch next week. So let’s consult top analyst Ming Chu Kuo, who dropped a new report detailing some of the watch’s specs ahead of Apple’s September 12 iPhone launch event. He also revealed an all-important potential release date. Apple Watch Series 4 release date – when can you buy it? Kuo says Apple will release its next smartwatch in the third quarter of this year. That means it will arrive between July and September – likely on September 12. And judging by prior launches, we’re inclined to bank on it being shipped at the end of that time-frame. The Apple Watch Series 3 landed at the company’s September event alongside the iPhone 8 and iPhone X. So you can expect the same this time round too. Kuo’s as reliable as they come for Apple rumours – this is the bloke that said a cheaper iPad would be revealed at Apple’s recent education event. And sure enough that’s exactly what happened. Apple Watch Series 4…