When it comes to the Pokemon franchise, people are likely most familiar with the video games and anime. However, there is also a long-running manga series called Pokemon Adventures that loosely adapts the stories of the games, following a variety of protagonists on their adventures in the world of Pokemon. Since Pokemon Adventures is based on a children’s video game series, one would imagine that it would be fairly lighthearted. And while most of the manga is written with young kids in mind, there are certain moments that stand out as particularly strange or disturbing, especially for Pokemon. Over 50 volumes of the Pokemon Adventures manga have been released to date, so reading through them all is no easy feat. However, we encourage anyone who wants to experience these moments organically to seek out the manga and check it out for themselves. Anyone who just wants to cut to the chase and see what the most disturbing moments are should read on, but take note that this article will be filled with spoilers. Arbok Gets Decapitated The early days of the Pokemon Adventures manga are filled with more disturbing moments than later issues, with the very first volume having one of the most shocking moments in the entire series. During a battle with gym leader/Team Rocket member Koga, Blue’s Charmeleon literally decapitates Koga’s Arbok. In the Pokemon video games, Pokemon just “faint,” but in Pokemon Adventures, they straight up die. Now, it’s worth pointing out that later volumes tend to retcon some deaths, but regardless, the image of Arbok… [Read full story]