The much anticipated Android version of “Fortnite” recently launched beta access for Samsung smartphones. The announcement from “Fortnite” creator Epic Games coincided with the launch event of the Galaxy Note 9. According to a statement, mobile gamers may access the beta Android app of “Fortnite” starting from the Galaxy S7 and above. The compatibility list also includes the Galaxy Tab S3 and S4. Apart from Samsung users getting first crack at Android “Fortnite,” they will also get to download the special Galaxy outfit. Read also: ‘Fortnite’ frenzy reigns at E3 gaming expo To join the beta test run, players will need to sign up on a waiting list and check their email inbox for an invite. It will confirm their registration and provide instructions on how to download the app. Epic Games will later open beta access to other Android devices. The company also created a full list of devices compatible to run Android “Fortnite.” The game developers did not specify an exact release date for other Android devices. However, they noted that beta access will become available to non-Samsung devices in the next few days.