Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, a faith-based organization addressing climate change, sent surveys to the candidates for representative in U.S. House District 8, the seat currently occupied by Rick Nolan. Below are the unedited responses of four of the candidates (Michelle Lee, Soren Sorenson, Kirsten Kennedy and Skip Sandman). Four other candidates (Pete Stauber, Jason Metsa, Joe Radinovich and Harry Welty) did not provides answers. The primary election is Aug. 14 and the general election Nov. 6. 1. Do you support current climate action commitments by cities, such as the City of Duluth, and by the State of Minnesota? If not, why not? If so, which ones do you support? Michelle Lee: Yes I support any effort that will spark measurable results in reducing our collective carbon footprint. I am very proud of Duluth and it’s participation in the Climate Smart Municipalities project along with its effort to increase energy efficiency. I’m particularly keen on its efforts to educate citizens on energy conservation and environmental stewardship issues. Soren Sorensen: I support the City of Duluth’s energy management plan. While the City of Duluth’s measurements show increases in greenhouse gas emissions from 2001 to 2005, current plans target goals of…