he Nani-hosted Bigg Boss Telugu Season 2 kicked off last month amidst much fanfare. And, as expected, the opening episode created a buzz amongst the fans. The ‘Natural Star’ too received some praise for his hosting skills. However, reality soon caught up with the show and things started going downhill, as fans began missing Jr NTR. Comparisons with the more successful Bigg Boss Tamil Season 2 made things worse and completely wrecked the show. Now, it seems that the makers of Bigg Boss Telugu Season 2 are trying to get things back on track. Noted actress Pooja Ramachandran recently entered the show as a wild card entry and made quite an impact. The lady seems to have made the show the talk of the town again and might end up becoming a fan favourite. With Pooja grabbing plenty of attention, here is a look at everything you need to know about her. She Went Through A Bitter Divorce In 2017 Last year, Pooja grabbed plenty of attention when she spoke about her divorce and said that it was a painful experience for her. While speaking to a leading daily, she had added that she was no longer on talking terms…