World 2018 World Cup Scalpers are reportedly selling tickets to desperate World Cup fans for as much as $2,300 for one match. Russian organizers and FIFA claimed to be cracking down on ticket resellers. However, the Associated Press reported on Thursday that one of its journalists was approached six times within an hour to buy tickets. According to the report, the tickets were for luxury category 1 seats. One was being sold for $150 above the original price. Online, tickets to the most popular matches were being sold for as much as $2,300, according to the Associated Press. To put that number in perspective, the most expensive original ticket price, which is for a category 1 seat at the final match, is about $1,060 (66,000 rubles). Volunteers for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, stand outside the newly opened FIFA main ticket office in central Moscow on April 18, 2018 KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP/Getty Images Recommended Slideshows 51 In Pictures: The 50 Most Powerful Military Forces in the World 61 Every World Press Photo Winner Ever: 60 Images That Define Our World FIFA filed a criminal complaint against secondary ticketing company Viagogo on June 5, following complaints about the sites “opaque and deceptive…