Japanese video game company Square Enix failed to give any update on the process of its big budget remake of Final Fantasy VII during its E3 2018 showcase. Instead, the company focused on Kingdom Hearts 3 and Tomb Raider, as well as a few new games that will be arriving on Xbox and PlayStation in the coming months. Kingdom Hearts 3 was actually revealed at Microsoft’s Xbox event yesterday and fans were also given the official release date of January 25, 2019. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now The game will include Disney’s Frozen world and will no doubt be a hit with kids who are fans of the animated film. Meanwhile, Shadow of the Tomb Raider was given an extended gameplay trailer that showed Lara’s next adventure in detail. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now There was also a new trailer for the upcoming open-world adventure Just Cause 4. The game introduces dynamic weather conditions that bring things like tornadoes and blizzards to the sandbox game which itself is powered by a new game engine….