The company says when the iOS 12 update becomes available later this year, it will allow iPhone users who call 911 to “automatically and securely share their location data with first responders”.“Communities rely on 911 centers in an emergency, and we believe they should have the best available technology at their disposal, ” said Tim Cook, Apples CEO. Further, he added, “When every moment counts, these tools will help first responders reach our customers when they most need assistance”.Apple announced Monday that a new feature in its next operating system update will reduce emergency response times when an iPhone user calls 911. The location data, Apple said, can’t be used for nonemergency purposes and will be accessible only to the 911 call centres during an emergency.Right now, emergency services trace the location of an iPhone through a technology named Hybridized Emergency Location (HELO), which the company had launched as a new feature back in 2015. HELO estimates a mobile 911 caller’s location using cell towers and using data sources such as WiFi Access Points and Global Positioning System.”911 telecommunicators do extraordinary work managing millions of emergencies with little more than a voice connection”, said RapidSOS CEO, Michael Martin, in a…